Comparisons Between Psalms 22, 23, And 24 - Devotional for Sept 28
Comparisons Between Psalms 22, 23, And 24
It is interesting to note the following seven-fold comparison between Psalms 22, 23, and 24 and their New Testament parallels. (Adapted from J. Vernon McGee's comments from Thru The Bible on Psalm 23, where he lists six comparisons between what is often referred to as "The Shepherd Psalms." I am unsure where the seventh point came from.)
Psalm 22:
1) The Good Shepherd (John 10:11)
2) The Saviour
3) The Foundation
4) Christ Dying
5) The Cross
6) He Gives His Life
7) Grace
Psalm 23:
1) The Great Shepherd (Hebrews 13:20)
2) The Satisfier
3) The Manifestation
4) Christ Living
5) The Comforter
6) He Gives His Love
7) Guidance
Psalm 24:
1) The Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4)
2) The Sovereign
3) The Expectation
4) Christ Coming
5) The Crown
6) He Gives His Light
7) Glory
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